Public Invited to Submit Art Highlighting the Dangers of Releasing Pets and Plants into the Wild

OLYMPIA–The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) invite artists of all ages to participate in an art contest through May 14 as part of the “Don’t Let it Loose” campaign. The campaign explains the dangers of releasing unwanted pets and plants into the wild and highlights other ways to […]

April 19, 2021
Grants Offered for Boating Facilities

OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office is taking applications for grants to build or renovate facilities that serve large boats. The federal Boating Infrastructure Grant program provides funding to develop and renovate public boating facilities. Grants also may be used to provide information and enhance boater education. “Washington has nearly 230,000 registered boats, which […]

April 12, 2021
Registration Open for Salmon Recovery Virtual Conference

OLYMPIA–Registration is open for a virtual conference that will bring together more than 1,000 salmon recovery practitioners to share their work and the latest science with the goal of improving salmon recovery efforts in Washington. The conference themed “Building a Movement” is offered every other year by the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board, the […]

April 6, 2021
Governor Appoints Director of Recreation and Conservation Office

OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee today announced the appointment of Megan Duffy as the new director of the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), the largest state agency grantor of funding for outdoor recreation and habitat conservation efforts in Washington. She replaces Kaleen Cottingham, who is retiring and has served the agency since 2007. Duffy, of […]

March 31, 2021
State, Partners Invite the Public to Take the Pledge to Help Save Salmon

OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is inviting all Washingtonians to commit to actions to help recover endangered salmon populations with a new Web app: Washington Salmon Stewardship. The app allows people to take a pledge to do one thing for salmon and mark their location on a map. The pledges will be […]

March 23, 2021
Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington Goes Virtual

OLYMPIA–Gov. Jay Inslee, in partnership with the Washington Invasive Species Council, has proclaimed Feb. 22-28 as Invasive Species Awareness Week in Washington. Invasive species threaten our economy, environment, recreation opportunities and can even harm our health,” Inslee said. “I’m calling on everyone who loves this state we call home to become aware of invasive species […]

February 16, 2021