CFP Community Forests Program


$16.3 million


Grant Limit

$3 million


Match Requirement

15 percent


The Community Forests Program gives communities a way to preserve their working forest heritage. The grant program balances the many benefits forests provide – from providing money from use of the land, to safeguarding against climate and other environmental changes, to providing opportunities for recreation, education, and cultural enrichment. As Washington's population continues to grow and forestlands are increasingly threatened by development, the Community Forests Program is a valuable tool for preserving working lands for the benefit of Washingtonians now and into the future.

Grant Application Schedule

Item Date

Application Webinar, Applications Open

Watch Application Webinar

February 14, 2024 

Applications Due

May 1, 2024 

Technical Completion Deadline

July 11, 2024 

Project Evaluation (Written)

July 22, 2024 - August 13, 2024

Board Approves Ranked Lists

October 29, 2024 - October 30, 2024

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


Project Celebrations

Typical Projects

  • Buying land to conserve working forests (required for all projects)
  • On purchased land, projects also may restore forest and habitat health and develop recreational facilities

Who May Apply?

  • Cities, counties, and towns
  • Native American tribes
  • Nonprofit nature conservancy organizations
  • Special purpose districts, public development authorities, or other political subdivisions of the state.
  • State agencies (in partnership with one or more of the above groups)


Funding comes from the sale of state bonds.

Grant Limits

$3 million

Match Details

A 15 percent match is required. Match may include the following:

  • Appropriations or cash
  • Bonds
  • Donations of cash, land, labor, equipment, and materials
  • Federal, state, local, and private grants
  • Applicant’s labor, equipment, and materials

Eligible Projects

  • Acquisition: Buying forestland
  • Development: Developing recreation facilities, such as trails and trailheads, parking, restrooms, campgrounds, picnic and day-use areas, challenge courses, interpretive displays.
  • Restoration: Restoring forest health or habitats, planting or reforestation, removing or correcting fish barriers

All projects must acquire land. Projects may include restoration or development of that land but restoration and development cannot be stand-alone projects.

Ineligible Projects

  • Acquiring land by a condemnation action of any kind
  • Animal species introduction or propagation, other than biological controls for invasive species
  • Environmental cleanup of illegal activities (contaminated materials, derelict vessels, trash, methamphetamine labs, etc.)
  • Fish or other wildlife production facilities, such as fish hatcheries, to produce sport fish
  • Indoor facilities such as community centers, environmental education or learning centers, gymnasiums, swimming and therapy pools, and ice-skating rinks
  • Restoration required to mitigate for activities unrelated to community forests
  • Routine operation and maintenance costs
  • Purchase of maintenance equipment, tools, or supplies

Long-term Commitment

Property acquired with these grants must be kept as forestlands forever. More information is in Manual 7: Long-term Obligations.