NCLI No Child Left Inside


$4.5 million


Grant Limit



Match Requirement

25 percent


Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission's No Child Left Inside (NCLI) grant program provides quality opportunities for underserved, underrepresented, and historically excluded youth to learn, play, and experience the outdoors. The Washington State Legislature established the program in 2007 with two primary goals: to improve the overall academic performance, self-esteem, health, community involvement, and connection to nature for youth; and to empower local communities to engage youth in outdoor education and recreation experiences.

Research has shown that spending time outdoors produces powerful benefits for youth, including reduced depression and anxiety, improved focus, better social connections, and enhanced learning and creativity. NCLI supports essential youth outdoor programs across the state and helps to remove barriers for youth to access the outdoors.

NCLI provides grants for a wide range of outdoor education and recreation activities including environmental education, leadership development, outdoor recreation and adventure, stewardship activities, and camp programs. RCO administers NCLI for the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.

Read the new fact sheet.

Grant Application Schedule

Item Date

Applicant Webinar, Applications Open

Watch Recorded Webinar

August 8, 2024 

Final Applications Due

October 31, 2024 

Evaluation Period (Written Reviews)

January 7, 2025 - March 7, 2025

Evaluation Period (Tiers 2 and 3 Q&A Meetings)

March 3, 2025 - March 7, 2025

Preliminary Ranked Lists Approved

May 30, 2025 Estimate

RCO Issues Grant Agreements

July 31, 2025 Estimate

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


Virtual Open Office Hours Are Here to Help!

If you need help or have any questions while writing your grant application, staff are available to assist virtually every Thursday from 12–1 p.m. until applications close on October 31.

Join the meeting (Note: link is only active during open office hours.)

Now Accepting Applications!

Watch the recorded application webinar for new updates to program policies and the evaluation criteria. Recording is available in English and Spanish.

Washington State Parks logo with mountains, river, cliff, trees, and sun

The Everyone Outdoors Program provides groups with the opportunity to apply to receive free annual Discover Passes. The program is available to Washington-based groups supporting underserved communities, youth programs, nonprofit organizations, veteran organizations, volunteer groups, and other groups that face barriers to outdoor access. Visit the Everyone Outdoors Program website for more details

Typical Projects

  • Water activities such as kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, boating, fishing, and rafting
  • Winter activities such as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding, and snow camping
  • Overnight and day camp activities such as environmental education, outdoor skills development, hiking, and camping
  • Outdoor adventure activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking, backpacking, and archery
  • Other activities such as outdoor cooking, survival skills, wilderness medicine, foraging, and culturally informed activities such as sense of place or nature scavenger hunts

Who May Apply?

  • Community-based programs
  • Local agencies
  • Native American tribes
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • School-based programs
  • Special purpose districts, such as park and recreation districts
  • State agencies

Only organizations that benefit youth in Washington State may apply.


Grants are awarded every other year. The Legislature provides funding from general tax dollars.

The interactive map and dashboard below display projects by county, funding year, and application status. Select different map layers to display projects by school district or legislative district. Click the tabs in the upper right to select different funding years and whether projects are funded, not funded, or in application status.

Zoom in on the map to see specific projects. Clicking a project will display more details such as the grant applicant, grant amount, and links to application materials and photographs. View the interactive map and dashboard in full screen.

Grant Limits

There are three funding categories for this grant program

  • Tier One Projects: $5,000-$25,000 for each project
  • Tier Two Projects: $5,000-$75,000 for each project
  • Tier Three Projects: $75,000-$150,000 for each project

Match Details

  • There is no match requirement for projects in Tiers One and Two.
  • A match of 25 percent is required for Tier Three projects.

To qualify, a match must be composed of elements that would be eligible in the NCLI program. Match may include the following:

  • Appropriations and cash
  • Donations of cash, materials, or the value of labor, equipment use, or services
  • Applicant’s labor, equipment use, and materials
  • Other grants

Ineligible Projects

  • Annual community festivals, expositions, promotional or fundraising events
  • Equipment only projects
  • Facility construction projects
  • Organized youth sports such as a community league or school team
  • Teacher training programs that do not include hands-on student participation

A full list of ineligible projects in the grant manual.

Long-Term Commitment

Equipment bought with grants should be retained for eligible or similar uses. See details in the grant manual.


Beth Auerbach, outdoor grants manager, 360-280-6103

Edison Velez, outdoor grants manager, 360-340-1280

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