
Salmon Recovery





Outdoor Recreation

Shooting Ranges

Open and Competitive to Ensure the Best Projects are Funded


RCO boards set the policies for what kinds of projects are funded. The meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to participate in person, by sending in written comments, or by serving on an advisory committee.


Public Review

Advisory committees made up of citizens like you, with knowledge of outdoor recreation and wildlife habitat, review and score grant applications. They also provide advise on policy changes, legislative issues, and statewide planning.

Advisory Committees


Grant proposals are online for all to review and grants are awarded in public meetings. Check out the board meeting and grant schedule pages for meeting dates and look for details on your favorite project in Project Search.

Find a Project

Grant Resources

State Recreation and Conservation Plan

Statewide Strategy to Recover Salmon: Extinction is not an Option

RCO Fact Sheet

Find Grant Specific Resources

News and Important Info

State Accepting Grant Applications for Trails, Boating Facilities and to Get Kids Outside

OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) will begin accepting applications in August for grants to provide outdoor education and recreation programs for kids and to build and maintain trails, boating facilities and shooting ranges. RCO is offering free, online workshops to showcase these grant opportunities and explain application requirements. The grants are the […]

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State to Accept Grant Applications for Outdoor Recreation and Conservation Projects

Free Webinars Feb. 14 OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) will begin accepting applications in mid-February for grants to build parks, trails, ball fields and boat moorage as well as to conserve wildlife habitat and working farms and forests. These grants are the largest source of state funding for many of Washington’s outdoor […]

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State Alters Scoring to Make Competitive Recreation Grants More Accessible to All Communities

OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board has changed the way it evaluates grant proposals with the goal of improving opportunities for outdoor recreation in communities with fewer parks and less open space. The board, which is the largest state funder of outdoor recreation facilities, changed the way it looks at need, scope, design […]

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All News


Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account

Funding to buy, protect, and restore shorelines and tidelands and to provide public access to the waterfront


Boating Facilities Program

Funding to buy, develop, and renovate facilities for motorized boats


Boating Infrastructure Grant Program

Funding to develop or renovate facilities targeting recreational boats twenty-six feet and larger


Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board

Funding to correct barriers to fish passage


Community Forests Program

Funding to buy and restore working forests and create recreational opportunities in forests


Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities

Funding to improve access to outdoor athletic facilities.


Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program

Funding to conserve and restore Puget Sound shorelines


Family Forest Fish Passage Program

Funding to small forest landowners to repair or remove fish passage barriers


Firearms and Archery Range Recreation Program

Funding to acquire, develop, and renovate firearm and archery training and practice facilities


Land and Water Conservation Fund

Funding to buy and improve parks, trails, wildlife lands, and other outdoor recreation resources


Local Parks Maintenance Grants

Funding to address maintenance backlogs for key local parks facilities.


Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership

Funding for urban communities to buy or develop land to create or reinvigorate outdoor recreation spaces.


No Child Left Inside

Funding for outdoor environmental-based education and recreation programs serving youth.


Education and Enforcement-Nonhighway and Off-Road Vehicle Activities Program

Funding for education and law enforcement on backcountry trails and in off-road vehicle parks


Trails-Nonhighway and Off-Road Vehicle Activities Program

Funding for backcountry trails and off-road vehicle parks


Outdoor Learning Grants

Funding for educational experiences for Washington public school students who are traditionally underserved in science and outdoor learning opportunities.


Planning for Recreation Access

Funding to plan projects in communities that lack adequate outdoor recreation opportunities.


Recreational Trails Program

Funding to rehabilitate and maintain backcountry recreational trails and facilities and to educate users about trail safety or environmental protection.


Salmon Recovery and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration

Funding to protect and restore salmon habitat.


Washington Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative

Funding and technical assistance for community resiliency, restoration, and protection efforts along Washington’s coast.


Farmland Preservation-Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program

Funding to conserve farmland


Forestland Preservation-Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program

Funding to preserve working forests


Habitat Conservation Projects-Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program

Funding to conserve wildlife habitat and restore sensitive state-owned lands


Recreation Projects-Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program

Funding for developing and improving local and state parks and trails, and providing access to the waterfront


Youth Athletic Facilities

Funding to buy land and develop or renovate outdoor athletic facilities