OLYMPIA–More than 750 scientists, salmon recovery experts and interested citizens from Washington and Oregon will meet in Tacoma next week for the seventh biennial Salmon Recovery Conference, marking the 20th anniversary of the Salmon Recovery Act. “By bringing together our state’s field biologists, engineers and policymakers, we’re providing a forum for information sharing and networking […]
OLYMPIA–Erik Neatherlin, a scientist and longtime manager in the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has been selected to lead the Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office, which coordinates statewide and regional efforts to return salmon from the brink of extinction. The Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office coordinates the efforts of 25 community-based watershed groups and 7 regional […]
OLYMPIA–Despite two decades of efforts to recover them, wild salmon are still declining—and a report released today by the Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office stresses that adequate funding is needed to turn the tide on the iconic species’ future. In the past 10 years, regional recovery organizations received only a fraction—16 percent—of the $4.7 billion documented […]