State Awards Grants for Projects Targeting Economically Disadvantaged Communities

OLYMPIA–The Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) announced today the award of $3 million for park projects in economically disadvantaged areas of Lakewood and Seattle. The grants are from the National Park Service’s Land and Water Conservation Fund’s Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership program, which targets economically disadvantaged urban communities that do not have enough park and […]

August 11, 2021
State Officials Ask You to Check Your Trees for Invasive Insects

OLYMPIA-Are invasive species hiding in your trees? State officials ask you to check trees, lights, outdoor equipment and standing water in your yard for harmful bugs as part of National Tree Check Month in August. “August is the ideal time to look for invasive insects and report any species that seem out of place,” said […]

July 29, 2021
Volunteers Needed to Prioritize Investments in Washington’s Outdoors

OLYMPIA–The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office is recruiting 45 volunteers to fill positions on advisory committees that help determine how the state invests in the outdoors. The 18 committees evaluate grant proposals for parks, trails, boating amenities, firearm and archery ranges and other outdoor recreation facilities. They also evaluate proposals to conserve wildlife habitat […]

July 13, 2021
State Awards Grants for Outdoor Recreation, Wildlife Habitat and Working Lands

The Recreation and Conservation Funding Board today announced the award of 342 grants across the state to provide recreational amenities, conserve wildlife habitat and protect working forests and farms. “These grants are fundamental to keeping Washington the beautiful state it is,” said Gov. Jay Inslee. “The funding comes from state and federal sources and is […]

June 28, 2021
Governor Announces $4.5 Million in Grants to Get Kids Outside

OLYMPIA–Getting kids outside to explore parks and other wild places will be a bit easier this year thanks to $4.5 million in grants, Gov. Jay Inslee announced today. Awarded by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the No Child Left Inside grants focus on programs that expand outdoor education and recreation opportunities to under-resourced […]

May 25, 2021
New State Orca Recovery Coordinator Named

OLYMPIA-The Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office has named Olympia resident and long-time environmental advocate Tara Galuska to coordinate the state’s orca recovery efforts. As orca recovery coordinator, Galuska will be working with partners to help implement recommendations of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force and tracking accomplishments. “I am very passionate about this […]

May 5, 2021