Climate Commitment Act logo with a green map of Washington

In 2021, Governor Jay Inslee signed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA created a program that requires the state’s largest polluters to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, trap the sun’s heat and are raising the temperature of the earth.

The CCA is the centerpiece of the state’s climate action efforts. Money from the program will support thousands of projects that reduce pollution and improve the environment. Some of that money is being invested in projects to improve shorelines and waterways for salmon, which also benefit humans and can help reduce climate change.

Under the CCA, applicants for funding must give tribal partners notice of proposed projects. The following project lists have been developed to support that notice and include INITIAL application information from applicants. The information will be updated after FINAL applications are received. Projects may change from initial to final application.

Proposed Projects

There are two ways to see proposed projects:

Grant ProgramFinal Application Due Date
Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board Proposed ProjectsMay 2, 2024
Estuary and Salmon Restoration Proposed ProjectsMay 15, May 22, or June 13, 2024, depending on the subprogram.
Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Proposed ProjectsNoon, June 24, 2024
Riparian Proposed ProjectsNoon, June 24, 2024
Targeted Investment Proposed ProjectsNoon, June 24, 2024
Washington Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative Proposed ProjectsJune 6, 2024

Funded Projects

General Information

Washington Department of Ecology website

Washington Climate Action website

Climate Commitment Act brand and style guidelines

Fact Sheet