COAF Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities


$12 million


Grant Limit

$1.2 million


Match Requirement



**This grant program is not accepting applications in 2025.**

The Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities (COAF) fund is a new program that will provide grants to build, expand, or renovate outdoor athletic facilities. The program is uniquely focused on helping support meaningful athletic experiences in communities that lack recreational opportunities, have underserved populations, and possess limited financial capacity.

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


Typical Projects 

Eligible community outdoor athletic facilities should attract and accommodate practice, training, or competition using a participant’s physical skills or capabilities. Such athletic activities should be the primary focus of the facility rather than leisure activities. Examples of typical projects include the following outdoor facilities: 

  • Athletic fields
  • Sports courts
  • Sports facilities
  • Swimming pools
  • Tracks and courses
  • Skating rinks
  • Acquisition of land for such facilities

Who May Apply? 

  • Cities, counties, towns
  • Local government subdivisions authorized to own outdoor athletic facilities  
  • Native American tribes
  • Qualified nonprofit organizations
  • Special purpose districts such as park and recreation, port, and school districts

Eligible applicants are not required to have an approved recreation, conservation, or open space plan on file with RCO to apply.


The Legislature provided $12 million with the potential for an additional $12 million in the 2025-27 biennium for a total of $24 million for the current grant round. This funding is allocated among five regions of the state according to their populations.

Grant Limits 

Applicants may request grants between $50,000 and $1.2 million.

Match Details 

Applicants are not required to provide matching resources. 

Eligible Projects 

  • Acquisition of land
  • Development and renovation
  • Combination of acquisition and development or renovation


RCO would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the advisory committee and technical work group members who helped develop the policy and make this grant possible.

Advisory Committee and Technical Workgroup Members List