LPM Local Parks Maintenance Grants


$5 million


Grant Limit



Match Requirement



**This grant program is not accepting applications in 2025.**

The Washington State Legislature provided one-time funding in the operating budget to help local parks departments maintain their working facilities to meet the needs of their residents. This program will focus on helping communities in need address maintenance backlogs for key local parks facilities and capital improvements. Accessed through a simple application process, grants may be used for general maintenance of things such as trails, restrooms, picnic sites, playgrounds, signs, and kiosks. 

Grant Application Schedule

Item Date

Application Webinar

Watch the Webinar

August 15, 2023 

Applications Open

**Grants are not being accepted in 2025.**

August 15, 2023 

Applications Due

September 18, 2023 

Technical Completion Deadline

September 27, 2023 

Project Evaluation

September 28, 2023 - October 25, 2023

Applicant Authorization - Electronic Signature Due

October 30, 2023 Must be Submitted by 5 p.m.

Grants Awarded

October 31, 2023 Tentative

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


Typical Projects 

Examples of typical projects that likely could be funded through this program include the following: 

  • Staff time to complete priority deferred maintenance projects. 
  • Deferred purchases of maintenance equipment and supplies. 
  • Upkeep and minor repairs of park infrastructure such as kiosks, picnic shelters, or trails. 

Who May Apply? 

  • Cities, counties, and towns 
  • Park and recreation districts, port districts, and special facilities districts
  • Native American tribes 
  • Eligible entities may partner with nonprofit organizations to use in these grants provided all work is performed on land owned by the eligible entity.

Eligible entities are not required to have an approved recreation, conservation, or open space plan on file with RCO to apply and receive funding for this grant.


The Legislature provides funding from general tax dollars: $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2024 and $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2025. 

Grant Limits 

Minimum grant request: $35,000

Maximum grant request: $100,000

RCO will award grants between $35,000-$100,000 and will not consider requests outside this range. An organization may submit only one application and may receive no more than $100,000.

Award Period

Once grant agreements are signed in 2023, successful applicants must spend all grant awarded funds by June 30, 2025. RCO will not allow time extensions.

Match Details 

Applicants are not required to provide matching resources. 

Eligible Projects 

Generally, funding is for deferred maintenance of local parks facilities and infrastructure. More information about specific eligible and ineligible project types and activities can be found in the grant manual.


Nicholas Norton 

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