More detailed information may be found at the following resources:

Park Benches

  • At least 20 percent of fixed benches must meet accessibility requirements and be connected to an accessible route of travel.
  • Bench seats must be seventeen-nineteen inches above the ground.
  • Benches must be provided on long routes of travel to elements or accessible facilities.
  • Benches need at least one hard, level, clear space, thirty-six inches wide by forty-eight inches deep minimum size, on one end.


Park Bench Back Support

Measurements for park bench


  • Where two or more grills are provided, 20 percent but not less than two must be accessible.
  • Grills must have a firm, stable, and clear space of forty-eight inches on all usable sides, and be at least fifteen inches from the ground with the cooking surface being no higher than thirty-four inches from the ground.
  • Rotating grills must have forty-eight inches of firm, stable, and clear space around them.


Photograph shows a picnic site and accessible table, grill, and water fountain at Ginko Petrified Forest State Park.

Man in wheelchair at picnic table and grill

Picnic Tables and Shelters

  • Where two or more fixed tables are provided, at least 20 percent but not less than one must be accessible and be served by an accessible outdoor recreation route, and be dispersed among areas.
  • An accessible table must have at least one accessible seating space or more based on the square footage of the tabletop, multiple seating options on ends, or bench cuts outs, which are preferred to allow the person with a disability to better interact and reach a range of items.
  • It is preferred that all picnic tables have an accessible design because they are usable by all.
  • Shelters must be served by an accessible route and all fixtures, amenities, and elements must meet accessible guidelines.


Picnic Table

Photograph shows an accessible picnic table at Issaquah’s Squak Mountain Park.

Picnic table accessible to wheelchair

Picnic Shelter

Photograph shows accessible picnic shelter tables at Kent’s Three Friends Fishing Hole.

Accessible Picnic Shelter