Some local agencies may reduce their match in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program’s (WWRP) Local Parks, Trails, and Water Access Categories and the Youth Athletic Facilities Program (YAF), if they meet any of the match reduction criteria below:
- Communities in need; A city, town, tribe, or eligible special purpose district with 20,000 residents or fewer and a median household income less than $82,400 (the state median household income). See our policy below for complete details.
- Underserved populations; A city, town, tribe, or special purpose district with a median household income less than $82,400 (the state median household income), and a project in a census block group where the median household income is less than $57,680 (70 percent of the state median household income). See our policy below for complete details.
- Counties in need; A county with a median household income less than $57,680 (70 percent of the state median income), a designation of distressed (as defined by Washington Employment Security Department), or 60 percent or more of its land base in a non-taxable status. See our policy below for complete details.
- Federal disaster areas; A city, town, tribe, county, or special purpose district that is, or is located in, a federally declared disaster area (major disaster under the Stafford Act) must provide at least 25 percent match. See our policy below for complete details.

Match Reduction Policy
WWRP Projects – Local Parks, Trails, and Water Access (Section 3: Money Matters)
YAF (Section 3: Money Matters)