WWRP-Farmland Farmland Preservation-Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program


$9 million


Grant Limit



Match Requirement

50 percent


The farmland preservation grant program provides funding to buy development rights on farmlands to ensure they remain available for farming in the future. Grant recipients also may use some of the funding to restore natural functions to improve the land's viability for farming.

The program is part of the larger Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, which was created in 1990 to buy land for outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation, to keep pace with a growing population. In 2005, the state Legislature expanded the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program to include preservation of significant farmland.

Grant Application Schedule

Item Date

Applicant Webinar, Applications Open

February 11, 2026 

Applications Due

April 30, 2026 

Technical Review (Written)

May 14, 2026 - June 5, 2026

Technical Completion Deadline

July 15, 2026 

Project Evaluation (Written)

July 28, 2026 - August 20, 2026

Board Approves Preliminary Ranked Lists

October 31, 2026 Estimate

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


Watch 2024 Application Webinar

Project Celebrations
Girl under sprinkler

Typical Projects

Buying a conservation easement on farmland threatened with development

Who May Apply?

  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Nonprofit nature conservancy corporations or associations
  • State Conservation Commission


Funding comes from the sale of state bonds and is awarded every two years.

Grant Limits

No grant limits, except for the following:

  • Enhancement and restoration elements may not exceed more than half of the total acquisition costs, including match toward acquisition.
  • Farm stewardship plans may not exceed $10,000.

Match Details

A 50 percent match is required, except for the state Conservation Commission, which has no match. Match may include the following:

  • Appropriations or cash
  • Bonds
  • Donations of cash, land, labor, equipment, and materials
  • Other grants
  • Applicant’s labor, equipment, and materials

Eligible Projects

  • Land acquisition through easements and leases (required for all projects). Public access is not required.
  • Enhancement or restoration, such as installing fences to keep livestock out of streams, replanting riverbanks, restoring historic water runoff patterns, improving irrigation, and installing solar well pumps. These activities must further the ecological functions of the farmland.
  • Combination of land acquisition and either restoration or enhancement
  • Stewardship plans

Ineligible Projects

  • Acquisition of rights for less than twenty-five years, of land already owned by the government, or of property acquired via a condemnation
  • Consumable supplies such as fuel, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides, except as a one-time application in an otherwise eligible restoration activity
  • Elements that cannot be defined as fixtures or capital items
  • Environmental cleanup of illegal activities, such as meth labs
  • Indoor facilities
  • Organizational operating expenses or overhead
  • Purchase of maintenance equipment, tools, or supplies
  • Restoration work done before a grant agreement is signed
  • Transfer of development rights

Long-term Commitment

Land must be kept and maintained for farmland for at least twenty-five years. Development rights may not be transferred.

More information is in Manual 7: Long-term Obligations.