- Boarding piers and floats at launching ramps need to be connected by a firm, stable, accessible route of travel from parking spaces. Preferred designs do not cross traffic or launching lanes. When a float touches a launch surface at low tide, the route of travel running slope requirements are exempted for that area.
- An accessible route on a float or pier for loading into and out of boats must provide for clear space, transfers, and a five-foot minimum turning circle. Grates, if used, cannot be more than a half-inch wide in openings and should be perpendicular to the predominate route of travel.
- In marinas or moorage facilities, at least one gangway must meet the maximum slope requirement for length. Longer gangways are preferred to provide greater accessibility when the water height fluctuates. When using an eighty-foot gangway, when a longer gangway would provide more access with water fluctuation, document why the longer gangway wasn’t built.
- At least one boat slip is required to be accessible with sixty-inch clear space and turnaround. Wider floats are preferred for stability and turning radius. Please check regulations for total number of boat slips required.
More Information
- U.S. Department of Justice’s Americans with Disabilities Act (2010) Standards for Accessible Design
- Washington Administrative Code 51-50-1101
Photograph shows the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s boat ramp and floats at Pleasant Harbor that are fully accessible at all water levels. The float has bull rails along the sides to define the edges.

Photograph shows a Port of Bremerton gangway that is fully accessible at all tides.

Boat Launch
Photograph shows the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s boat ramp and floats at Mineral Lake. There also is a concrete platform that allows boat passengers to board before launching.

Transfer Steps
Drawing shows measurements for accessible steps that allow passengers to get in and out of boats.

Boat Slip Clearance
Drawing shows measurements for accessible boat slips.

(Exception) Edge Protection at Boat Slips