• At least one accessible route must connect fishing facilities, piers, and platforms.
  • When gangways are used as part of the accessible route, they must meet the minimum slope length requirement. Longer gangways are preferred to provide better accessibility at variable water levels, where applicable.
  • At least 25 percent of any railings provided must be less than thirty-four inches above the deck. Higher and lower rails are preferred to give seated or standing anglers a place to lean or reach over while fishing. A clear opening of four-eight inches wide in rails for larger fish (salmon, steelhead) retrieval is recommended.

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Mineral Lake Fishing Dock

Photograph shows a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife dock that is accessible. It has lower railings with gaps to make it easier to net a fish. It has an accessible gangway from an accessible pathway.

Fishing Dock

Extended Ground or Decks at Fishing Platforms

Drawing shows an accessible dock entrance.

Fishing Platform Diagram