- Accessible spaces should be located closest to the building entry, main entry, or activity provided.
- The slope should not exceed 2 percent in any direction.
- The first one of six spaces required, must be van accessible. The space must meet the following:
- Include an international symbol of access (white and blue wheelchair logo) sign at the head of the space and a van accessible sign, and a “No Parking” sign at the head of the marked access aisle.
- Must provide at least an eight-foot-wide vehicle space and an eight-foot-wide access aisle with an upright sign at the head of aisle stating “No parking in access aisle.” Wider access aisles or vehicle spaces are preferred for larger vans and trucks with less turning abilities.
- Parking facilities for designated boat or horse trailer combination spaces should be wider because of the larger size of the tow vehicles and turning radius needed. These facilities also need to provide accessible spaces in compliance with the chart.
- When a pull-through trailer spot CANNOT accommodate an upright sign at the head of the parking space or in any location, the international symbol of access should be painted on both ends of the space.
- Where boats are readied for launching and retrieval, wider clear space or access aisles on both sides of the designated space and loading and unloading areas are preferred.
Total Parking Spaces in the Parking Facility | Minimum Accessible Parking Spaces Required |
1 to 25 | 1 |
26 to 50 | 2 |
51 to 75 | 3 |
76 to 100 | 4 |
101 to 150 | 5 |
151 to 200 | 6 |
201 to 300 | 7 |
301 to 400 | 8 |
401 to 500 | 9 |
501 to 1,000 | 2 percent of total |
1,001 and more | 20, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, greater than 1,000 |
More Information
- U.S. Department of Justice’s Americans with Disabilities Act (2010) Standards for Accessible Design
- Washington Administrative Code 51-50-1101
Vehicle Parking
Diagram shows width of an accessible parking space.

Photograph shows accessible parking stalls at Issaquah’s Squak Valley Park.

Boat Parking
Photograph shows accessible boat trailer parking stalls at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Lind Coulee area.