SALMON - PSAR Salmon Recovery and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration


$132.8 million


Grant Limit



Match Requirement



Salmon recovery grants are used to restore degraded salmon habitat and protect existing, high-quality habitat. These twin activities are aimed at increasing the amount and overall health of the places salmon live, which will increase the number of salmon.

Projects may include the actual habitat used by salmon and the land and water that support processes important to salmon.

Some of the money for salmon recovery is targeted at helping salmon in Puget Sound. Restoring the health of Puget Sound–our nation’s second largest estuary–is a priority for the State and nation. In 2007, the Legislature created the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR) program to help implement the most important habitat protection and restoration priorities. PSAR is co-managed with the Puget Sound Partnership.

The grant program for both salmon recovery and PSAR grants are run together and generally have the same requirements. Applicants must demonstrate how their projects address the goals and actions defined in the regional recovery plans or lead entity strategies. The grant cycles consist of steps required both by the local lead entity and RCO. Lead entities are watershed-based groups that develop and implement strategies to restore salmon habitat. Lead entities establish their own schedules not on this website for required grant cycle steps including site visits, rating, and ranking.

Grant Application Schedule

Item Date

2025 Full Grant Schedule

Contact the local lead entity coordinator to learn about application deadlines and requirements.

Full Grant Schedule

January 1, 2025 

Application Workshop and Q&A

Watch the recorded application workshop.

January 30, 2025 

Application Materials Due Before Site Visit

Site Visit Request Form

January 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025 Materials Due Two Weeks Before Site Visits

Track 1

February 3, 2025 

Site Visits

February 3, 2025 - March 14, 2025

SRFB Review Initial Panel Meeting

March 19, 2025 - March 20, 2025

Review Panel Provides Comments

March 28, 2025 

Optional Conference Call

April 9, 2025 - April 10, 2025

Track 2

April 3, 2025 

Site Visits

April 3, 2025 - May 14, 2025

SRFB Review Panel Initial Meeting

May 21, 2025 - May 22, 2025

Review Panel Provides Comments

May 30, 2025 

Optional Conference Call

June 9, 2025 - June 10, 2025


June 23, 2025 - September 17, 2025

Applications Due

June 23, 2025 

Applications Due by Noon.

SRFB Review Panel Final Meeting

July 17, 2025 - July 18, 2025

Applicants Receive Final Project Comments

July 25, 2025 

Accept Review Panel Conditions

August 7, 2025 

Lead Entities Submits Final Ranked List

August 8, 2025 

Salmon Recovery Funding Board Awards Grants

September 16, 2025 - September 17, 2025

Grant Award History

Most recent grants and evaluation results, listed by the application year.

Application Resources

Grant Manual


View the 10,000 Years Institute’s new story map that showcases the work it’s been doing to remove invasive plants from the Snahapish Watershed.

See a list of projects proposed for funding through the Climate Commitment Act.

Project Celebrations

Typical Projects

  • Replacing barriers to fish migration
  • Replanting stream banks
  • Removing dikes, levees, and shoreline armoring
  • Installing logjams to slow rivers and create habitat
  • Restoring estuaries
  • Buying pristine habitat
  • Completing designs for future projects

Who May Apply?

  • Local agencies
  • Special purpose districts, such as port, park and recreation, conservation, and school districts
  • State agencies
  • Native American tribes
  • Private landowners
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Regional fisheries enhancement groups


Funding is awarded annually. Funding comes from the sale of state general obligation bonds and the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund. PSAR funding is awarded biennially and comes from the sale of state general obligation bonds.

This grant program also is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The Act supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. See RCO’s lists of proposed and funded projects and details about grant requirements for this funding. on RCO’s Climate Commitment Act web page.

Funding for the grant round is distributed using a formula adopted by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The formula is based the number of listed and non-listed salmon stocks, number of evolutionarily significant units, number of watershed resource inventory areas, and salmon shoreline miles. The Puget Sound Recovery Region has fifteen lead entities and further allocates both its salmon and PSAR funding based on a formula approved by the Puget Sound Leadership Council.

Funding Report: Salmon Recovery Regional Responses

Grant Limits

Applicants may request any amount greater than $5,000. For design-only projects without match, applicants may not request more than $350,000.

Match Details

There is no longer a 15 percent match requirement for most projects. Match may be required for some acquisition and riparian planting projects in the following situations:

  • A project with the primary purpose of riparian planting that does not meet
    minimum riparian buffer widths is required to provide 15 percent match. See
    Appendix K for details. This applies to a project funded with regular SRFB or PSAR
    funds but excludes a project funded through the riparian program.
  • A SRFB acquisition project, with an upland portion greater than 50 percent of the
    total acreage, is required to provide match as part of its total budget. For this
    purpose, uplands are those areas that fall outside of other specified habitat types
    and their buffers, as defined in appendix L. For exceptional projects based on
    scale, rarity, cost-benefit, or value, some flexibility of match may be considered.
    • 25 percent match: Upland acres are greater than 50 percent but less than
      75 percent of the total acreage.
    • 35 percent match: Upland acres are greater than 75 percent of the total

Match may include the following:

  • Appropriations or cash
  • Bonds
  • Donations of cash, land, labor, services, equipment use, and materials
  • Other grants
  • Applicant’s labor, equipment, and materials

Eligible Projects

Acquisition including the purchase of land, perpetual conservation easements, or water rights.


  • In-stream fish passage
  • In-stream water diversion
  • In-stream and floodplain habitat
  • Upland riparian habitat
  • Estuarine and marine near-shore

Planning projects

  • Conceptual, preliminary, or final design projects
  • Assessments and inventories

Combination projects include elements of two or more project types (restoration, acquisition, and planning).

Ineligible Projects

  • Capital facilities and public works projects
  • Effectiveness monitoring
  • Hatchery, harvest, and hydropower activities
  • Mitigation projects
  • Property acquisition through eminent domain or leasing
  • For a comprehensive list of ineligible projects, see manual 18.

Evaluation Process

Because the salmon recovery and PSAR programs are run in partnership with lead entities, the specific evaluation process depends on the lead entity where the project is located. In general, project evaluation happens in three, sometimes concurrent, parts.

  1. The local lead entity, coordinating with its regional organization, evaluates and ranks applications. The lead entity and region may use locally developed information and criteria to prioritize projects, including criteria that address social, economic, and cultural values.
  2. RCO grants managers review all projects for eligibility. Applicants and their lead entities are encouraged to consult with grants managers early to determine any questions of eligibility
  3. The Salmon Recovery Funding Board Review Panel evaluates each project proposal (except monitoring projects) for technical merits and identifies specific concerns about the benefits to salmon and certainty of success.

See “Section 3: How to Apply,” and “Section 4: SRFB Evaluation Process” of manual 18 for detailed information.

Long-Term Commitment

  • Acquisition projects must be managed and protected as salmon habitat forever.
  • Restoration projects must be managed and maintained as improved salmon habitat for at least ten years after construction is completed.

Long-Term Obligations web page for additional information.

Salmon Resources

Application Workshop

What’s New in 2024

SRFB Application Workshop Video

Successful Applicant Workshop

Project Management Resources

Manual 18 Appendices and More

Manual 18 Appendices
A: Salmon Recovery ContactsJ: Targeted Investment Program
B: Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration K: Riparian Planting Projects
C: Application Checklist L: Quantifying Habitats for Acquisition Projects
D: Design and Restoration Project Deliverables M: Riparian Funding Policies and Guidelines
E: Funded Project FormsOther Forms
F: SRFB Review Panel Evaluation CriteriaLead Entity Review Panel Request Form
G: Guide for Lead Entity Project EvaluationAppendix D: Design and Restoration Project Deliverables for pre-2023 Projects
H: Regional Area Summary InformationRiparian Enhancement Plan Example
I: SRFB Amendment Request Authority MatrixRiparian Program Project Resources
Amendment Request Template

Salmon Recovery Funding Board

The Salmon Recovery Funding Board approves the grants. To see details of the board’s meeting schedule and material, visit the board page.

Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office

The Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office coordinates a statewide salmon strategy, secures funding for local, regional, and state recovery efforts; and produces the biennial State of Salmon in Watersheds report to the Legislature.

Banner photo by Kristen Kirkby